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  • 别离:碎碎念
  • 2024-03-27 19:17:29

【医】白斑病:同white spot disease



But as the liberal philosopher Martha Nussbaum has argued, the ick factor just isn't a reliable basis on which to make moral evaluations. 但如自由主义哲学家MarthaNussbaum所辩驳的那样,是否感觉令人作呕并非一个可靠的道德评估依据。

Aside from the ick factor, there are serious health concerns associated with gutter oil. 在作呕的同时,一些*的健康问题也和地沟油有关。

Conclusions ICK can quantitatively evaluate global and regional diastolic function of the left ventricle in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A STUDY OF REGIONAL DIASTOLIC FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE BY QUANTITATIVE TISSUE VELOCITY IMAGING 结论ICK可以用于定量分析2型糖尿病患者左室整体和局部舒张功能,有助于早期发现2型糖尿病患者左室舒张功能障碍。定量组织速度成像对冠心病节段舒张功能的临床评价

The experimental results show that the elastic modulus E, tensile strength ts and fracture toughness IcK of brittle rocks can be determined from a valid load-displacement record. 试验结果表明,可以从一次有效的载荷-位移记录中同时确定脆性岩石的弹性模量E、拉伸强度ts和断裂韧度IcK。

Conclusion CK and "ICK TM Quantitative Analysis System" was a sensitive method to detect regional left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and to provide information for early diagnosis of myocardial ischemia and CAD. 结论应用CK和ICKTM定量分析软件能*地*出左室节段舒张功能异常,为判断心肌缺血、早期诊断冠心病提供依据。

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