表抽象抱怨时不可数,如:An expression of pain,dissatisfaction, or resentment.对疼痛、不满或怨恨的表达方式表抱怨的具体原因时可数。如:A cause or reason for complaining,a grievance.引起抱怨的原因是愤恨。
complaint例句1、There's been a record number of complaints about the standard of service on Britain's railways
2、If you have a complaint about shoes bought from a shop covered by the Footwear Code, there are several ways of putting the matter right
如果对在Footwear Code旗下零售店里买的鞋有不满意的地方,有几种解决问题的方式。
3、Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.
4、People have been reluctant to make formal complaints to the police
5、If you feel you have any cause for complaint about the service you should write to the Hospital Administrator.
complaint短语搭配Complaint Box意见箱;看法箱;投诉箱;定见箱
complaint center投诉中心;投诉接待;投诉中间;投诉处
Summer complaint夏季病;夏日病;拉肚子;推肚子
Consumer Complaint消费者投诉;消耗者赞扬;屏幕损坏;正在翻译
Love Complaint情怨
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