皮脂an oil-like substance produced by the sebaceous glands
皮脂Sebum is an oily substance produced by glands in your skin.
Zinc can help fight acne because it's involved in metabolizing testosterone, which affects the production of an oily substance caused sebum, a primary cause of acne. 锌能够帮助去除粉刺,因为它参与*的代谢,这会影响油性皮脂的产生,而这种油性皮脂是造成粉刺的主要原因。
After cleansing, follow with a toner. Clean, taut pores appear much smaller than pores that are clogged with oil ( sebum) and make up. 在洁面后,用一点化妆水做进*清洁和收敛,这是有效收小毛孔的*步。
Bristles stimulate the scalp and distribute sebum all the way down the hair shaft. 可以*头皮,而且还能头皮上的皮脂顺着头发梳下来。
Therefore, natural camellia oil is most suitable for obtaining sebum to care for your skin. 所以,天然山茶油最适合于保持皮脂含量,呵护您的皮肤。
Cleansing palmarosa and cleavers extracts combined with sebum regulating alpine willowherb detoxify and restore balance to oil prone skin in this light, easily absorbed lotion. 这款轻薄、易吸收的乳液中含有的*皮肤作用的玫瑰草和猪殃殃萃取以及调节皮脂分泌的阿尔卑斯柳草精,能为油性肌肤*并保持平衡。
Mixing carbon with a synthetic sebum mixture had little or no effect on its removability with several fabric-detergent combinations. 碳中混以人造皮脂混合物,对几种织物&去污剂组合的去污能力影响不大,甚至没有影响。
However this method does not recommend it because our skin is weak acid the use of alkaline cleaning products will destroy our sebum film protection of the natural skin barrier damaged. 但这种方法并不值得*,因为我们的皮肤是弱酸性的,使用碱性清洁品会破坏我们的皮脂膜,使皮肤天然的保护屏障受到损伤。
The most common tissue element of these teratomas is skin, so large amounts of hair and sebum are produced, leading to a challenging cleanup problem in surgical pathology following dissection of these tumors. 畸胎瘤的大多数共同组织成分是皮肤,大量的毛发和皮脂,导致外科病理学上切开后难以*干净。
Makeup lasts longer as it is helpful in controlling sebum and makes our face looks less oily. 化妆时间较长,因为它有助于控制皮脂和使我们的脸少油腻。
The yellowish centre contains bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells. 黄色的中心含有*,皮脂和死亡的皮肤细胞。
Calcified sebaceous cyst of scrotum a common cyst of the skin; filled with fatty matter ( sebum) that is secreted by a sebaceous gland that has been blocked. 阴囊钙化性皮脂腺囊肿一种常见的皮肤囊肿。
These conditions produce increased cell renewal on the scalp, which is often associated with an increase in sebum. 这些情况使头皮上的细胞更新加快,伴随而来的常常是油脂的增加。
Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum for lubricating the hair and skin. 皮脂腺分泌油状皮脂润滑毛发和皮肤。
Papaya Papaya contains enzymes that promote skin metabolism, help dissolve the accumulation of sebum in the pores and the aging of skin, so skin looks brighter and more refreshing! 木瓜所含的木瓜酵素能促进肌肤代谢,帮助溶解毛孔中堆积的皮脂及老化角质,让肌肤显得更明亮、更清新!
Chamomile essence, Aloe, Peppermint, Everning primrose, Anti-germtide, FGF, Sebum secretion inhibitor, Anti-acne agents, Tragacanth gum, etc. 红酒素、洋甘菊、芦荟、薄荷、月见草*、*肽、成纤维生长因子、皮脂抑制剂、抗粉刺剂、黄蓍胶等。
Sebum absorption power controls excess sebum to prevent greasy while tightening enlarged pores and skin that has lost its resiliency to calm and refresh skin. 让油滑的皮脂附著在粉末上,用这种方式去除皮脂,让扩张的毛孔给予紧致收敛的化妆水。
It provides long lasting sebum control performance to enable your skin to stay fresh and matt. 它提供了长期持久的控油功效,使您的肌肤常保清新和无油光。
Clothing in contact with human skin picks up measurable amounts of greasy human sebum as a soil. 衣服与人体皮肤紧密接触,粘上*数量的皮脂形成污垢。
Hair's natural shine is supplied by its own conditioner, sebum, an oil composed of waxes and fats and also containing a natural antiseptic that helps fight infection. 头发的自然光泽来自它自身的护发素:油脂,它含有蜡和脂肪,还含有抗感染的自然*剂。
Assist to thoroughly remove oil and acne dirt, penetrate into pores, peel off dead epidermis cells and dredge pipes of sebum gland. 在帮助*清洁面部油垢的同时深入毛孔,去除表皮坏死细胞促使皮脂腺管畅通无阻塞。
Highly effective for shrinking pores and removing sebum for clean, clear skin. 是*有效的缩小毛孔及*皮脂为干净,清晰的皮肤。
Perfectly removes sebum and cleanses skin, purifies skin and deep cleanses pores, removes the dead cells, let skin white and delicate. 有效祛除油脂和各种污垢,净化肌肤的同时疏通毛孔,温和*皮肤已经脱落的死细胞,令皮肤白皙柔滑;
Sebum-control formula help to absorb the excessive sebum and sweat effectively, make your skin fresh and healthy. 控油配方,另肌肤有效吸收脸部多余油脂和汗水,清爽自然。
Spinach, like broccoli and Swiss chard, is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which your body needs to produce sebum. 波菜,或是花椰菜、瑞士甜菜等都是维他命A、C*的来源,是人体所需来产生皮脂的营养素。
It can effectively clean and neither removes dirt and excess sebum while tightens pores, yet does not taut nor dry your skin. 有效地洁净,祛除污垢及多余油脂,同时紧致毛孔,但不会造成皮肤紧绷和干燥。
In the absence of sebum film protection, lip skin evaporation six times faster than normal skin, so it is prone to drying, peeling, lip wrinkles deepen and so on. 由于没有皮脂膜的保护,唇部皮肤的水分蒸发比一般皮肤快6倍,因此很容易出现干燥、脱皮、唇纹加深等问题。
Regulate sebum secretion, prevent acne outbreaks; suitable for combination and oily skin. 帮助皮脂腺分泌正常,预防粉刺生成,适合混合性和油性皮肤使用。
When the skin surface sebum and blocked pores over time, acne will appear. 当皮肤表层的皮脂过量并堵塞毛孔时候,痘痘就会出现了。
the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands
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