1. Take after:与某人相像
例如:She takes after her mother in looks and personality.
2. Take apart:拆开,分解
例如:He took apart the engine to see what was wrong with it.
3. Take away:拿走,带走
例如:The waiter took away our plates after we finished eating.
4. Take back:收回,撤回
例如:He took back his words when he realized he was wrong.
5. Take down:记下,写下
例如:I took down his phone number so I could call him later.
6. Take in:收留,接纳
例如:The shelter took in homeless people during the winter months.
7. Take off:起飞,脱下
例如:The plane took off on time and landed safely at its destination.
8. Take on:承担,接受
例如:She took on the responsibility of organizing the charity event.
9. Take out:取出,带出去
例如:He took out his wallet to pay for the meal.
10. Take up:开始从事,占据空间
例如:She took up painting as a hobby after she retired.
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