n.官僚主义者; 官僚
官僚主义者;官僚an official working in an organization or a government department, especially one who follows the rules of the department too strictly
N-COUNT 官僚;官僚主义者Bureaucrats are officials who work in a large administrative system. You can refer to officials as bureaucrats especially if you disapprove of them because they seem to follow rules and procedures too strictly.The economy is still controlled by bureaucrats.经济依然被官僚们所掌控。
The economy is still controlled by bureaucrats. 经济依然被官僚们所掌控。
Selecting one, the bureaucrat slung it over his shoulders to carry home. 官僚挑了一只羊,把它甩在肩上就往家里扛。
"Can I pick out my sheep now?" asked the bureaucrat. “我可以挑一只羊了吧?”官僚问道。
A bureaucrat was hiking when he came upon a shepherd tending a large flock. 一位官僚在徒步旅行,这时他看到一个牧羊人在看护一大群羊。
Of or relating to or resembling a bureaucrat or bureaucracy. 属于、关于或类似于官僚主义、官僚政治的。
Spoken like a true bureaucrat. 你说话真象个真正的官僚。
He is reputedly the last Mandarin bureaucrat in the Confucian tradition. 据说他是**官员中*一个还受儒家影响的官员。
Mr Fukui also provided Mr murakami, a former industry-ministry bureaucrat, with valuable contacts. 福井还与村上(前工业部官员)进行了一次重要的会晤。
The analysis overlooked the obvious answer – that neither Apple's success nor its failure had much to do with Mr Sculley, an able corporate bureaucrat who rode the roller-coaster of high technology. 这种分析忽视了一个*的答案,即苹果的成功和失败都与斯卡利没有关系。他是位能干的公司官僚,却坐上了*的过山车。
The perfect bureaucrat everywhere is the man who manages to make no decisions and escape all responsibility. *地方的*官僚主义者都是一个不出*决议并逃避所有*的人。
The bureaucrat had not learnt how markets work, and we are in danger of forgetting it. 这位官僚不懂市场是如何运作的,而我们现在也有可能忘记这一点。
Any high government official or bureaucrat. *一个**官员或官僚主义者。
The documentary contains a first-hand description of political life in Havana from the vantage point of a senior bureaucrat. 这部纪录片记录的是一个*官僚从他的角度看哈瓦那政治生活的*手叙述。
As one characteristic part of Tang Dynasty's bureaucrat system, Tang Dynasty's YuShi system is the mature and typical one in the history of Chinese ancient time supervision institution. 在*古代的监察制度*,唐代的御史制度是官僚制中*特色的一部分,且是成熟的典型的监察制度。
He's just a movie bureaucrat. 他只是个电影的官僚主义者。
Why so much for the bureaucrat's brain? 为什么*官僚的脑子这么贵?
He is a conservative bureaucrat who can be counted upon to follow a beaten path. 他是一个保守的官僚,他准会循规蹈矩地办事。
A lesser bureaucrat, faced with the same, would probably have put in for a transfer. 一个级别更低的官僚在面临同样遭遇时可能会申请调走,但拉琴科不会。
Every political lawyer and bureaucrat understands this about trade, that the feedback of customers exercising choice is a corrective mechanism for the manufacturer. 每一个政治律师和官僚都明白,在商业活动中,顾客的反馈意见就是制造商的纠错机制。
The use of network makes the traditional administration paradigm of bureaucrat system face crises. 网络化使传统的官僚制行政范式面临危机。
He is an omnipotent bureaucrat. 他是个有很大权利的官僚。
The European and American Present Administration Criticizing and Surmounting to the Weber Bureaucrat and the Enlightenment 欧美当代行政学对韦伯官僚制的批判与超越及其启示
Legal principle of gift and punishment in the Western Zhou Dynasty aims at maintaining the grade order, emphasizing the social reality of unequality between bureaucrat's noble and common people. 西用礼刑法律原则的适用,旨在维护等级秩序、强调官僚*与平民的不平等的社会现实。
He was just another faceless bureaucrat. 他只不过是一个典型呆板的官员。
Yang Wencong was not only a famous Scholar-painter, but also an import ant bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty. 杨文骢是晚明文人画坛的重要画家,但同时也是晚明政局中举足轻重的人物。
He's a bureaucrat, not a warrior. 他是个官僚主义者,不是一个勇士。
The tropism of administration in universities is the centralization of political or power and bureaucrat management. 政治中心、度集权、僚治校是大学行政权力的价值取向。
Ethic Establishment of Public Administrative Spirit of Our Street-level Bureaucrat 我国街头官僚公共行政精神的*建构
Stalin is nothing but a bureaucrat. 斯大林不过就是一个权阀官僚。
During the Warring States Period, this social group tended to disappear gradually with the formation of centralized state and the establishment of bureaucrat politics. of or relating to or deriving from the Apostles or their teachings. 战国时期,随着集权*的形成和官僚政治的确立,私徒属这一社会群体渐趋消亡。属于、关于使徒或使徒教义,或得自于使徒或使徒教义。
an official of a bureaucracy
Synonym:administrative official
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