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  • >﹏<皮卡皮卡qui
  • 2024-03-09 08:51:26


1. Right:表示“正确的”或“右边的”意思。例如:She always tries to do the right thing.

2. Rite:表示“仪式”或“礼节”意思。例如:The wedding rite was beautiful.

3. Wright:表示“工匠”或“制造商”的意思。例如:He is a skilled wright who can make beautiful furniture.

4. Writ:表示“法令”或“命令”的意思。例如:The judge issued a writ for the arrest of the suspect.

5. Rhytme:表示“韵律”或“节奏”的意思。例如:The music has a nice rhythm.

6. Write-off:表示“勾销”或“注销”的意思。例如:The company has decided to write off the debt.

7. Righteous:表示“正义的”或“公正的”意思。例如:He is a righteous man who always stands up for what is right.

8. Rider:表示“骑手”或“乘客”的意思。例如:The rider fell off the horse.

9. Ride:表示“骑”或“乘坐”的意思。例如:She likes to ride her bike to work.

10. Rind:表示“果皮”或“皮层”的意思。例如:He peeled the rind off the orange.


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