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  • >﹏<皮卡皮卡qui
  • 2024-03-25 09:38:40

"Everyone" is a singular pronoun. It refers to a group of people as a collective unit, but it is still considered singular in terms of grammar. This means that it takes singular verbs and pronouns.

For example, we would say "Everyone is here" instead of "Everyone are here." We would also use singular pronouns like "he" or "she" instead of "they" when referring to everyone as a group.

The reason for this is that "everyone" is an indefinite pronoun. It doesn't refer to a specific number of people, but rather to a general group. Indefinite pronouns are always singular, regardless of how many people they refer to.

It's important to note that some people may use "everyone" as a plural pronoun in informal speech. However, in formal writing and grammar, it is always considered singular.

In conclusion, "everyone" is a singular pronoun that refers to a group of people as a collective unit. It takes singular verbs and pronouns and is considered an indefinite pronoun. While some people may use it as a plural pronoun in informal speech, it is always considered singular in formal writing and grammar.

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