SeasonsintheSun中文翻译版本文简介:SeasonsintheSun阳光下的季节Goodbyetoyoumytrustedfriend别了朋友,我的挚友Weveknowneachothersincewewerenineorten我们已相识很久,那时我们还是孩子Togetherweveclimbedhillsandtrees我们曾一起爬过
SeasonsintheSun中文翻译版本文内容:
Seasons
in
the
Sun
阳光下的季节
Goodbye
to
you
my
trusted
friend
别了朋友,我的挚友
We
ve
known
each
other
since
we
were
nine
or
ten
我们已相识很久,那时我们还是孩子
Together
we
ve
climbed
hills
and
trees
我们曾一起爬过无数山丘、树丛
Learned
of
love
and
s
一起学会了爱,还有许多等等
Skinned
our
hearts
and
skinned
our
knees
也曾一起伤过心,一起破过皮
Goodbye
my
friend
it
s
hard
to
die
别了,我的朋友,友情是不死的
When
all
the
birds
are
singing
in
the
sky
到了鸟儿们一起飞到天空中歌唱的时候
Now
that
spring
is
in
the
air
春天就弥漫在那空气中
Pretty
girls
are
everywhere
到处都会有可爱的女孩
Think
of
me
and
ll
be
there
想起我,我就会在那春天里
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
hills
that
we
climbed
were
just
seasons
out
of
time
但我们爬过的那些山,却早已经历了多少沧桑啊
Goodbye
Papa,please
pray
for
me
别了,爸爸,请为我祈祷吧
was
the
black
sheep
of
the
family
我曾是家里的害群之马
You
tried
to
teach
me
right
from
wrong
你总是试图教我改邪归正
Too
much
wine
and
too
much
song
太多的酒,太多的歌
Wonder
how
got
along
真不知我是如何过来的
Goodbye
papa,it
s
hard
to
die
别了,爸爸,亲情是不死的
When
all
the
birds
are
singing
in
the
sky
到了鸟儿们一起飞到天空中歌唱的时候
Now
that
the
spring
is
in
the
air
春天就弥漫在那空气中
Little
children
everywhere
到处都会有淘气的孩子
When
you
see
them
ll
be
there
当你看见他们时,我就会在那春天里
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
wine
and
the
song
like
the
seasons
have
all
gone
但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
wine
and
the
song
like
the
seasons
have
all
gone
但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊
Goodbye
Michelle
my
little
one
别了,米歇尔,我的小宝贝
You
gave
me
love
and
helped
me
find
the
sun
你给了我爱,使我找到了阳光
And
every
time
that
was
down
每当我消沉的时候
You
would
always
come
around
你总是会来到我身边
And
get
my
feet
back
on
the
ground
让我重新站起来
Goodbye
Michelle
it
s
hard
to
die
别了,米歇尔,爱情是不死的
When
all
the
birds
are
singing
in
the
sky
到了鸟儿们一起飞到天空中歌唱的时候
Now
that
the
spring
is
in
the
air
春天就弥漫在那空气中
With
the
flowers
everywhere
到处都会有美丽的花儿
wish
that
we
could
both
be
there
我希望我们能一起徜徉在那春天里
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
hills
that
we
climbed
were
just
seasons
out
of
time
但我们爬过的那些山,却早已经历了多少沧桑啊
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
wine
and
the
song
like
the
seasons
have
all
gone
但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
wine
and
the
song
like
the
seasons
have
all
gone
但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
wine
and
the
song
like
the
seasons
have
all
gone
但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊
We
had
joy,we
had
fun,we
had
seasons
in
the
sun
我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节
But
the
stars
we
could
reach
were
just
starfishes
on
the
beach
但我们得到的那些星星,只不过是沙滩
上的海星啊
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