speed up汉语翻译:
名词 speed up:
the act of accelerating; increasing the speed同义词:acceleration, quickening, speedup
动词 speed up:move faster同义词:accelerate, speed, quicken
cause to move faster同义词:accelerate, speed
例句:Speed up!快点!
Let's speed up.我们赶快些吧。
The order No.105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。
A technique which uses two or more input/output units in an attempt to speed up input and output operations.为加速输入输出操作,使用两个或多个输入输出部件的技术。同ORoperation。
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